Friday, August 28, 2020
Biographical Narrative Based On The Video Fatal Game Ess
True to life Narrative Based On The Video Fatal Game Emerging dormant and sluggish after their restless night at camp six, Mark Whetu and Mike Rheinberger were delayed to dress, liquefy ice, and escape the tent at three oclock in the first part of the day. They ought to have left at one at the most recent yet the breeze was excessively breezy. Lamentably, when they stacked their knapsacks, tied on their crampons and were prepared to leave, it was three thirty. Imprint, an accomplished climber knew they wouldnt highest point before one p.m. yet, he had just been employed as a guide for Rheinberger, who, after seven attempts at Mount Everest had still not had the option to highest point. For Rheinberger, plunge was absolutely unsuitable. A lot of work, an excessive number of restless evenings, and such a large number of dreams had been contributed to not culmination. He couldnt return for another attempt one weekend from now. To go down now, would have brought up one major issue: what may have been? Imprint was before Rheinberger and was becoming restless with his troubling pace. In front of them Mark recognized another group, returning ineffective from their highest point endeavor. As the other group passed, they talked a bit. It wasnt up to that point that Mark acknowledged how late it was. Twelve thirty. They were over four hours from the highest point, in the event that they rushed. Rheinberger was not stopping now. Imprint chose not to contend and the pair proceeded with their climb. At five thirty, when the light was gradually blurring, they were so near the culmination. Rheinberger was animating his pace now as he knew triumph was in his grip. At six oclock, Rheinberger had at long last achieved what he been already incapable to accomplish throughout the previous ten years. Be that as it may, even at this time of triumph, he was debilitating with each oxygen-denied breath. Down to one knee, watching the sun vanish, he seemed as though this was what he was sent to earth to do. Caution before long hit them both, as when they were just meters from the top the light vanished inside and out. Well pack. Proposed Rheinberger. Its the main thing we can do. Sadly he was correct. Thought Mark. Thus, they goes to sleep for the night in the passing zone. A stature where the body is passing on starved, from nurturing oxygen. At the point when Mark got up toward the beginning of the day he realized his feet were solidified. He felt separated from his general surroundings inwardly, profoundly, genuinely to a degree he had never experienced on any past undertaking. It was the most exceedingly awful night he had ever experienced in his life. He simply needed to return home. Rheinberger was in a more awful shape than Mark, yet both were as yet ready to stand and make a beginning for camp five. In the event that they could simply get the chance to camp five they would be OK. They just made a hundred or so meters before Rheinberger crumbled. He was in a tough situation. Shuddering wildly, acting spacey and nonsensical, and fundamentally incapable to do much else for himself. Imprint was not going to surrender without any problem. He constrained Rheinberger to his feet and he integrated them two. He would get Rheinberger down, regardless of whether he would need to drag him. After another couple of meters Rheinberger stumbled and fell, hauling Mark with him. Imprint clung to a stone as Rheinberger toppled haplessly over an edge. Give up! Imprint yelled in distress. Youre hauling me down! Fortunately the rope broke and Rheinberger just fell a couple of meters to an edge. His coat splashed open. Imprint plunged to him and saw the radio. The radio he had overlooked. He radioed base camp who were glad to get notification from him, as they had dreaded the most noticeably terrible. They instructed him to leave Rheinberger and go get some oxygen tanks that were at the initial step and take them back up. Rheinberger was in no condition to walk except if he had oxygen, so Mark hesitantly slipped to the initial step revealing to Rheinberger that he would be directly back. At the point when he showed up there, so depleted and sore, base camp advised him to rest, suck a few gas and sit tight for a man who was coming up from camp five to help. This made Mark
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Innocent Drinks Was Formed Management Essay
Blameless Drinks Was Formed Management Essay Innocent Drinks was shaped in 1998 by Richard Reed, Adam Balon and Jon Wright BBC NEWS Business, 2010. The general thought of the organization was to deliver 100 natural product, with no water, sugar, concentrated juices or additives (GMID, 2012). It is likewise a firm that is equivalent with sound ways of life and biological ethics. Innocent Drinks is currently the pioneer of the smoothie advertise (see Appendix 2) in the UK, with the Coca-Cola Company possessed a 58% of the companys stake (GMID, 2012). In addition they sold their items in grocery stores, neighborhood shops, bistros and a few different outlets. Moreover Innocent beverages are currently sold in ten European nations (Fast Track 100, 2012). Honest demonstrates a major enthusiasm to accomplish the five-a-day so as to improve publics wellbeing. Hence, the organization is working with Government experts and nourishment authorities so as to discover approaches to advance natural product utilization (Marketing Week, 2 011). They have demonstrated a major enthusiasm about cause and as per the companys official site they give 10% of their benefits to the foundation, most of which goes to the blameless establishment. Establishment is right now supporting sixteen accomplice extends for the most part in nations where blameless beverages supplies its natural product. They center around farming, since organization accepts that individuals should utilize the normal assets so as to empower a superior future (Innocent site, 2012 b). The organization stress that it is laborers show regard for the earth and all the natural products utilized are 100% eco-accommodating delivered (Innocent site, 2012 b). Moreover the organization have won numerous honors, for example, World Juice Award Foodnews World Juice Award for best new item (Apple Juice) on 2011 and Marketing Week Effectiveness Award for New Product of the Year (Kids) on 2010 (Innocent site, 2012 b). When all is said in done, smoothie advertise had a deve lopment in deals and the conjectures were sure until 2007. Anyway due the financial emergency the buyers altered their shopping list and the overhauled gauge are not empowering for the future as per Mintel report in 2009 (see Appendix 1). Figure 1: Business greatness model (Adapted from University of Cambridge Publications, 2012) The business greatness models are systems that when worked inside an association can assist with centering thoughts and activity in a progressively precise and organized manner that should manage representatives to expand their performance. Moreover those structures help the organization to present its HRM rehearses and furthermore apply them all the more successfully. HRM Practices-Best Practices As per Marchington and Wilkinson (2005), best practice HRM is fit for being utilized in any association, regardless of item showcase circumstance, industry, or workforce. There are numerous exercises which human asset is centered around. Instances of HRM rehearses are enrollment and determination, preparing and advancement, worker prosperity, exchange, wellbeing and security, installment and prize and so forth. (Foot and Hook, 2011). The two human asset rehearses that the Innocent spotlight on are the Training and Development and Payment and Reward. Preparing and Development Figure 2: Interaction between various degrees of improvement prerequisites and the more extensive corporate arranging process (Adapted from Investors in People, 2012 a) There are a few strategies to accomplish the representatives progress which are generally degree as indicated by division and size of the organization. The advancement inside the organization can be exclusively or group based. Also the business needs to think about that the advancement begins structure the association at that point moves to the office lastly to the individual (Figure 1). Besides there is a few strategies for the organization when it is thinking about the preparation and advancement of both dynamic and non-dynamic work force. The firm can offer accentuation to formal preparing strategies and self-advancement so as to accomplish an improved standard for its representatives. The table underneath represents data about the best strategies for representatives to learn. It is amazing that most of them want to learn in the work place which Innocent gives during the enlistment mandatory program. Representatives like to get the hang of during the work time frame rather than se lf-concentrate through courses and work understanding. Strategy Rate At work 41 Formal Courses 21 The experience of work 15 Instructing/Mentoring 10 Casual assistance from partners 7 Other 4 E-learning 2 Self-concentrate in own time 1 Table 1: Most Effective path for individuals to learn (Adapted from CIPD, 2007) The Innocent Company connects with this HRM practice and supports it in a few different ways so as to urge its representatives to work to in the most extreme degree of their capacity. Consequently, those practices can go about as instances of methods of augmenting worker execution. Right off the bat, the presentation of an enlistment program is vital of a littler organization, while a grater organization may be giving arrangement of preparing programs (Investors in People, 2008). Honest gives fourteen day enlistment program notwithstanding different courses. For instance the Innocent Drinks Company gives two obligatory preparing projects to its representatives, for example, the honest institute and the guiltless business foundation. In any case, the organization gives discretionary projects, for example, Managing your own turn of events and Building aptitude in what you do (Innocent site, 2012 b). Necessary courses: The blameless foundation: This is a multi day necessary program which causes the representative to acclimate with the workplace. This enlistment course outfits the representative with straightforward apparatuses and thoughts. The general point of this course is to help the new individual from the organization to be increasingly significant and effective to the working environment. In addition this is an incredible open door for the worker to meet individuals who may work path with regularly. Moreover the representative can tune in to the more seasoned representatives and get a general thought regarding working in (Innocent site, 2012 b). The guiltless Business Academy (IBA): This is an extra multi day course. The companys plan is to show center business abilities to its future representatives, for instance venture the board and budgetary aptitudes. This course happen during the main year at guiltless, if there should arise an occurrence of the representative is at supervisor level or past (Innocent site, 2012 b). Discretionary Courses Dealing with Your Own Development: These courses run during the year. They are discretionary courses intended to provide for the workers extra data, rules and helpful devices so as to dealing with their thoughts, techniques and qualities notwithstanding arranging the following move (Innocent site, 2012 b). Building mastery in what you do: The Company is partitioned to numerous little groups. Each group has an expect to put forth a valiant effort to hold the Innocent to the most elevated level. For instance deals group centers to the techniques for arrangement, and specialized group center around the most recent strategies for protecting the beverages from microorganisms and organisms. Also some different groups need to read for proficient tests so as to improve their aptitudes (Innocent site, 2012 b). Installment and Reward for Employees As per CIPD (2009), around a fourth of managers have a prize methodology in their organization. In view of Investors in People (2012 b), there are a few different ways of compensating individuals, for example, one-off extra installments for individual execution, commissions, execution related compensation, benefit related compensation, competency based compensation, representative offer plan, benefits and non money related methodologies. One-off extra installments for individual execution: notwithstanding pay every representative can get an additional reward for the accomplishment of the yearly objectives. Commission: This prize alludes more to the business group. The commission cost relies upon their accomplishment of compelling selling techniques. Execution related compensation: This technique reflects results or yield as well as genuine execution in the work (MacKenna and Beech, 2008). Expands level of fundamental compensation dependent on by and large close to home execution, as opposed to as an erratic installment. Benefit related compensation: The workers pay and rewards might be straight identified with the companys benefit or the accomplishment of compelling targets. Essentially representatives would be given an inspiration to work more enthusiastically, and in high benefit times for the organization they will procure the prizes, however in terrible occasions they would share the companys breakdown. Anyway it is feasible for the business to structure a system so as to secure the workers when benefits diminished (MacKenna and Beech, 2008). Competency based compensation: Rewards can dependent on representatives work, abilities and disposition, and not just when the objective has accomplished in light of the fact that occasionally is out of their control in a few conditions. Representative offer plan: Frequently used to connect execution and long help to ownership of the organization. The strategy for offering share possession to workers can remember an individual money related an incentive for the accomplishment of the organization, as a section proprietor just as a representative advantages. Non-money related methodologies: This is a fantastic presentation and an inspiration to assume on greater liability may make the business to think a potential advancement or additional duty regarding a representative. Honest adjusts this HRM practice, and bolster the general thought of Payment and Reward. This training is intended to persuade representatives to work as well as could be expected and thus is a case of strategy to augmenting worker execution. The organization sorts out gatherings consistently and the workers get the opportunity to discuss the points which emerge. Situated in Innocent Drink organization individuals who contribute more in the organization get the most significant pay and rewards. Consistently the compensation of every representative is explored and dependent on the yearly elite is remunerated by expanding capacity to get. Additionally the PRP Bonusâ is an a
Friday, August 21, 2020
Irish Involvement In The Civil Waril Essays - Irish Brigade
Irish Involvement In The Civil Waril In excess of 170,000 Irish-conceived Americans battled under the banner of the United States somewhere in the range of 1861 and 1865. Society in the United States had, up to that time, showed a stamped enemy of Catholic slant, and most recently moved Irish involved near the least crosspiece of the monetary stepping stool, however this didn't discourage numerous from revitalizing to the hues toward the start of the war. At the point when President Lincoln made his first call for volunteers following the assault of Fort Sumter, the 69th NYSM (New York State Militia) was the subsequent unit to leave New York City. The 69th served at first Bull Run under the order of then-detachment leader William T. Sherman; it at that point got back and assembled out of Federal help. Now, the choice was made to raise an Irish Brigade for taxpayer supported organization. Numerous individuals from the 69th NYSM joined the new 69th New York State Volunteers (NYSV), the principal regiment of the new Irish Brigade. Chosen as authority of the Irish Brigade was Thomas Francis Meagher, a man of frank enemy of English notions who had been ousted to Tasmania by the Crown for his exercises in Ireland. Together with the 63rd and 88th New York regiments, the 69th NYSV joined the Army of the Potomac to seek after the war against the Confederacy. Starting with the doomed Peninsular Campaign against Richmond, the Irish Brigade by and large and the 69th specifically started assembling a notoriety for hard battling and mental fortitude, just as luxurious neighborliness. Some portion of the eminent II Corps, the Irish regularly figured noticeably in any development and rearguard activities. More than one general was known to ask Where are my green banners?; the reference to the green regimentals of the Irish units is noteworthy. The Irish Brigade experienced maybe its most valorous period between the Battle of Antietam (17 September, 1862) and the Battle of Gettysburg (1-3 July, 1863). This arrangement of occasions, from its frontal attack on the Sunken Road at Antietam through the commitment with Kershaw's Confederates at the Wheatfield at Gettysburg, saw the Brigade diminished to an exposed skeleton of its previous quality. The Brigade had figured unmistakably in Burnside's lamentable assaults at Fredericksburg (13 December, 1862), during which the 69th lost some 75% of its quality, and when of Gettysburg the 69th NYSV numbered under 200 and was included an insignificant two organizations. General Meagher had likewise surrendered his bonus in fight when rejected authorization to restore the Brigade home to for enrollment. In spite of these hardships the Irish stayed with the Army of the Potomac through the hard battling under Grant, and participated in the acquiescence service at Appomatox Courthouse in April of 1865. By the war's end different regiments from different states had gone through the Brigade at some point, yet a similar unique three New York regiments had consistently presented with the arrangement. New implantations of labor had expanded their drained numbers, yet a significant number of the best and most daring who had initially walked off to war from New York stayed away forever. All through the war the units of the Brigade were hotbeds of Irish Separatist assessment, and a large number of the first individuals had joined to increase military involvement in which they would have liked to come back to Ireland and free their territory from British principle. This fantasy, be that as it may, was not understood, for an excessive number of those dedicated to Irish patriotism lay covered alo ng the eastern seaboard, losses of the unpleasant long stretches of 1861 through 1865.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Project-based Learning Essay Samples - an Outline
Project-based Learning Essay Samples - an Outline Project-based learning may be an effective method to engage students in the teaching procedure. The classroom education system signals that the practice of inculcating project-based system below the education produces a positive influence on the important thinking, engagement, and motivation of the students. Each teacher is accountable for implementing PBL when they want. In the event the teachers or the instructors aren't able to find the advantages generated from the project based learning model, it isn't even feasible for the administration and the students to execute it correctly and enthusiastically. Most significantly, the visual learners receive a visual image of their essay, with the major point, because they have articulated it, in large, bold letters. Lots of the lesson plans that require payment do provide sample pages, so it's possible to find a notion on how best to recreate it in your way. By way of example, stu dents could be provided a crucial question about cellular structure and finish a project around that question. The test also supplies a written test that evaluates a quick essay. Getting honest isn't a personality trait, it is a skill. There does not have to be a particular reason behind learning since learning for the interest of learning can in itself be a rewarding experience. Therefore lifelong learning and own expert development is vital. Making continuous learning a pure portion of work and life needs an intelligent approach. Working in an evolving area will guarantee that you're constantly learning and developing your skillset. Utilizing the very best thinking of key world civilizations, design the ideal civilization. Maintenance learning is completely essential. The Kilt Kit was created to be tossed around. They're all working on various elements of the project at the very same moment. It Based Learning is a great way to get students started. Where to Find Project-based Learning Essay Samples Sure, the very first week you ask an employee for their learnings they might not have a lot of to say. If you're in first year and are thinking about studying abroad for a single year or in industry, now's a great time to begin researching. One of the absolute most cost-effective tactics to encourage lifelong learning among your employees is to just take an interest. For most modern workers, it'll be a collection of projects that mark their career instead of years of service to a certain organization. It's possible to take the on-line course or take advantage of the literature and avail maximum resources. If you'd like to change a module for second term, now's the opportunity to do it. My ethos appeal for project-based learning is that, every time that I hear that we need to do a project, I have enhanced motivation to have the job done so as to receive a fantastic grade. As a way to frame project work, you must determine just what it is which you want students to know and do as a consequence of completing the undertaking. Definitions of Project-based Learning Essay Samples Or perhaps you're doing whatever you call project based learning, but you need a nagging feeling that you may not be doing it quite perfect. Your ability to broaden your mind and devote yourself to lifelong learning is the secret to breaking any suc cess barriers that could be in front of you. Everyone likes to feel as though they are making decisions about what is going on in their life. It was so hard I was trembling and crying at the very same moment. An essential part of lifelong learning is the totally free exchange of thoughts and viewpoints among older learners. Projects can last so long as they will need to and can cover broad range of topics and subject areas. Furthermore, the educational programs of the company which are made in accordance with these solutions concentrate on equipping the organizational members with all the required knowledge and expertise to foster self-confidence, liability and the capacity to navigate themselves in the states of tension and ambiguity. The War Against Project-based Learning Essay Samples Schools particularly support youthful small business people. With lifelong learning, the goals might not be so clear-cut. There are lots of well-designed projects that assist in providing clear steps for achieving goals. So naturally, learning falls in the shadows of work targets. But What About Project-based Learning Essay Samples? Reading example essays works exactly the same way! Knowing the topic of your essay allows you to focus your efforts. If at all possible, choose a subject you're interested in, because this will make writing the essay a lot simpler. Structuring Your Essay A critical part of learning how to compose essays is to understand the value of structure. Project-based Learning Essay Samples - the Story Project-based learning engages students, letting them ask the questions, develop a plan of action, and produce the content a component of their lives as opposed to something that's happening on the periphery. Therefore, there's some value of questioning in education and it is essential that learners get to comprehend why they are needed to analyze the info they receive from the environment through questioning but not to accept everything dur ing its face value. By way of example, students could determine the demand for their school to conserve money and, through project-based learning, research and determine a solution for this issue. In PBL, they focus on a complex question or problem, then answer the question or solve the problem through a collaborative process of investigation over an extended period of time. Learning information you are able to utilize in your ordinary life is crucial to getting a continuous desire to more advance your education. Get in contact with us right away to find the very best writing and rephrasing help that you require for your academic and company writings. Even when you have never heard about all of the research showing the efficacy of project-based learning, it is not hard to work out that it's a much more engaging approach to learn than through traditional techniques. You can do research and apply the materials in books or on the internet. If you're unable to take your students off-campus to participate in some real-life geocaching, you could always create your own geocaching treasure hunt in their opinion. Our students came up with methods to secure more teens to arrive at the museum. When the students become engaged, they're more likely to create positive outcomes in the classroom like giving teachers back time which may be used for encouragement to be able to solve real troubles. On the flip side, older students need comfortable chairs and big work surfaces.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Dorian Gray And Dr Faustus Literary Analysis - 1278 Words
Final Essay Dorian Gray and Dr Faustus By Mohammad Hussain Starting with greed and temptation, then with a sense of immortality, and ending with destruction of one s morals and soul. In the novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde, the main character trades his soul for what he desires most, beauty and eternal youth. He ends up dying after living a tortuous life because of the damage he has to his soul. Similarly, in Dr. Faustus, a play by Christopher Marlowe, a doctor sells his soul to the devil in order to obtain powers. They both die regretting the life that they choose to live. A common theme in the two pieces of writing is that giving into temptation and greed will ultimately cause one s downfall. In The Picture†¦show more content†¦He says that he will give his soul if his portrait will bare his signs of aging and sin. He would give up his soul; all that is good in him, just to obtain his desires. Similarly, in the play Doctor Faustus, the main character gives into his own greed and temptation. Faustus, a very scholarly man, has heard about the power and fame that magic has provided others. He thinks about how great it would be to have powers and what he would do with them. He contemplates all the things that these magical powers will produce. He imagines piling up wealth from the four corners of the world, reshaping the map of Europe, and obtaining complete knowledge about the universe. He is arrogant and is very confident. â€Å"FAUSTUS O, what a world of profit and delight, of power, of honor and omnipotence, Is promised to the studious artisan! All things that move between the quiet poles Shall be at my command. Emperors and kings Are but obeyed in their several provinces, but his dominion that exceeds in this Stretcheth as far as doth the mind of man. A sound magician is a demigod.†(1.1.52-59) This temptation and greed to have all this power makes him give his soul to the devil in order to obtain what he most desires. Like Dorian Gray, Dr. Faustus has others helping to tempt him. Dr. Faustus has both the bad angel and Mephastophilis convincing him to turn away from God and to the devil so he can never live in want again.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Production Possibilities Frontier - 1083 Words
1. A reduction in trade barriers has two effects on the economy. The production possibilities frontier will move outward, and the economy will move closer to the production possibilities frontier. Both outcomes are related. Freer trade creates more markets for the country for its goods and services. This allows companies to produce more, but it does not directly change the production capacity of the nation. Thus, the economy moves closer to the production possibilities frontier (Rittenberg Tregarthen, 2009). The reason that the production possibilities frontier also moves owes to the theory of comparative advantage. Freer trade allows the country to focus production on those goods and services in which it has comparative advantage. Thus, the economys production becomes more efficient. Given that the factor resources (people, capital) have not changed, an increase in efficiency will push the production possibilities frontier outward. This is because the total capacity is going to be higher. Note that there is a difference between producing the same things more efficiently, and producing goods that are more efficient. The total capacity of the economy is changed when the mix of product and services is changed, marking a shift in the curve to go along with moving production closer to the curve. In addition, trade encourages technological transfer. Firms in each country learn from one another, and the transfer of knowledge and technology is one way that this occurs.Show MoreRelatedProduction Possibility Frontier ( Ppf ) Essay952 Words  | 4 Pages1. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Threats to Audit Independence
Question: Discuss about theThreats to Audit Independence. Answer: Introduction Auditing is one of the most important exercises to a business organization as it is one of the factors determining prosperity and growth of the firm. Audit independence is one of the guidelines which should be present for perfect audits which is reliable to the client firm. Audit independence therefore results into reliable audits which can determine the development of a given firm (Ye, Carson and Simnett 2011). Audit independence on the other hand is vulnerable and can be influenced by various factors from within the audit firm or from the client firm. From various situations given in the case study one can deduce the following threats to the audit independence. Threats to Audit Independence Intimidation Intimidation is a way of embarrassing an individual or giving a person conditions which failure to meet he or she is likely to be embarrassed .As uncovered by the case, the relationship of the CJ audit firm top official to offer non audit services based on intimidation, the request by the fundamental body of the customer affiliation (LTH) which requires the review firm scramble toward give a discussion in light of a honest to goodness worry for the union will be invalid permitting the CJ to perform uncompromised study without conditions (Stewart and Subramaniam 2010). One of the top officials of CJ auditing firm is going through a lot of pressure from the client firm demanding that he should offer to give a speech about the company in an organized event. The client is even threatening that in case he fails to give the speech for the company then their contract will be terminated. From the keen analysis of the situation the manager is likely to give the speech to avoid embarrassment a s well as to secure their contract. Self-Intrigue Hazard This kind of audit hazard occurs in a condition where a controller is likely going to be exchanged off by individual interests. For this circumstance, customer firm is thinking about to take the analysts from CJ examining relationship to a 14 day occasion in Greek Isles dealing with every ones costs and expenses (Blay 2015). In such a condition the association won't be sensible to the investigating relationship since the demand of endowments may prompt amazing looking. In such conditions where the head of audit gathering has been given token, they tend to lead overviews affiliation budgetary records with a fundamental measure of self vitality covering wrecks. For this circumstance since the association of the audit gathering is presumably going to be exchanged off by the token unmistakably the delayed consequences of the survey will in like manner be haggled as they will react in light of self interest. Request or Trust Dangers This sort of danger comes in when experts are being over-influenced by the properties of their customers' and additionally the affiliation identity along these lines bowing up discernibly ridiculously, making it hard to intrigue the customer. Obviously, evaluators of a given firm likewise of validation may grow pointlessly confide in the connection delineations thusly, inadequately comprehensive in their survey testing (Christopher, Sarens and Leung 2009). This is clear from fourth condition the examination with Annette who recognizes that there will be no much overview on the devotion records in setting of nature and trust. Having worked in the LTH books of records earlier her autonomy of the review can be overseen in the technique for trust and shared trademark or nature. Execution of Non-Review Exercises The survey aggregate pioneer is under weight from the client firm to give a talk in light of a legitimate concern for the association. This results into an audit self-governance threat which is known as threatening danger. According to the important dialog in the condition one, the CJ survey firm director is compelled by the client firm to give a talk of which failure to do all things considered will come to fruition into end of the understanding among CJ and LTH (Beeler and Hunton 2012). In such cases in light of the threatening and disgrace, the audit gathering is most likely going to play out the non survey association which my deal the audit self-rule. Remembering the true objective to secure the assertion the audit gathering will study with energy provoking distorts in the surveys. Safeguards to the Identified Audit Independence Threats These are various guidelines which should be taken into considerations in order to secure audit independence for quality audit services. They can be set from within or outside the audit firm such as guidelines and ethics which govern audit exercise (Ashbaugh, LaFond and Mayhew 2013). An audit firm can also set various ways to cover their independence in order to provide reliable services. The safeguards below are some of the guidelines which can help CJ as an audit firm maintains their audit independence. Restriction by Audit Guidelines and Ethics Auditing practice is guided by various rules and survey ethics. It is in this way basic for CJ as an audit firm to work inside the specific rules in order to be free from the forces which are most likely going to deal their practices. The association should decay the free trip which has been offered to the primary two specialist of CJ Company in perspective of the audit rules (Goodwin and Yeo 2011). With the impression of the survey principles and flexibility the gathering should have the ability to play out their commitments as required and cover any coercion that may be inside the cash related records. The manager of CJ is moreover prepared to decay the non survey errand being compelled on him by the client firm. Restricting CJ from Offering Non-Audit Services One of the main threats affecting audit independence is performance of non-audit services. The audit independence is at risk when the audit firm performs non audit services to the client firm as these results into familiarity as well as making the audit firm to be part of the client firm and may give compromised audit reviews (Craswell, Stokes and Laughton 2012). It is therefore import for the management of CJ audit firm to stand firm by the rules and ethics not to offer non-audit services in order not to compromise their independence and provide quality audits. Changing of Auditors During Every Audit As appeared by conditions three and four, both Michael and Annette are apparently going to be traded off in setting of trust and shared trademark. Unmistakably the two have been ordinary to the customer firm and are not sensible to play out a survey on the budgetary records of a relative association. Annette predicts that not she will perform giant diagram on the devotion budgetary books of records in light of past review where as Michael trusts the father who drives the money related gathering (Sharma and Sidhu 2011). Consider turn is accordingly the best guarantee to guarantee overview adaptability. For this condition both the two evaluators who are apparently going to traded off by the review independence hazards ought to be supplanted or taken to another firm. Since some of the CJ team members are likely o be compromised bases on the fact that they have experience with the client firm, the CJ audit team management should therefore use different auditors during the exercise since Michael and Annette are likely to cover fraud (Sharma and Sidhu 2011). Both Michael and Annette no longer have their audit independence based on the familiarity among other threats. When an auditors independence has been compromised by various threats it is therefore advisable for the audit firm to use a different team of auditor for an exercise in order to provide non compromised audits to the client firm. Business Risks Business risks are various factors which results into a company of a firm receiving profits lower than the projected profit margin (Dyllick and Muff 2016). These factors can be from within the firm or without the firm. From the study given the most business risks likely to be experienced by the audit firm includes maintenance and management risks as discussed below. Maintenance Risks The client firm in the case study two operates a lot of machines which they purchase and sell to their clients. The company motor is best services to the client as one may deduce from the case thereby performing a lot of maintenance at the firm and to various products sold to the clients (Dyllick and Muff 2016).The affiliation also serves a more prominent market with more clients organized in remote parts of the market. In such conditions the affiliation needs to utilize more costs on transport with a specific extreme goal to achieve their clients. They also experience the abhorrent effects of transportation costs giving systems for upkeeps mechanics in supplant repair reasonably sold thing (Batkovsky, Batkovsky and Klochkov 2016). The profit margin from the company operations based on the explanation is likely to reduce or be below the projected profit as maintenances requires money from the gross sales in order to be successful and meet the clients needs. Management Risks The season of accreditation is client intrigue fulfillment happening into affiliation getting an astounding measure of support expenses. Thusly, the contraption occurs into operation dangers where Mining supplies LTD (MSL) necessities to pay for additional charges to the operations of the mechanics performing such structures for upkeeps (Parkinson and Bamford 2016). Being that the greater part of the clients are remotely found, the collusion needs to cover for the long parcel transportation costs for the mechanics, pay for the charging of their relationship on an anticipated rate in setting of the time, cover for every one of the parts supplanted and in like way the solace and conventional costs of the master. Audit Risk Inherent Risks This is one of the audit risks which occur as a result of fraud at the financial report level. For this condition, inherent risk is the particular overview danger that might be assessed in light of the business risks identified above experienced by Mining supplies LTD (MSL) as a firm (Arthur, Endrawes and Ho 2017). Amidst the change of the review encourage beginning at now showed up above and ace ought to graph trademark hazard as one of the dangers at the money related edification outlined at the budgetary report level (Qin 2014). The review audit ought to in this manner relate the examination to different records changes and unmistakable exchange classes amidst the certification point. Trademark dangers may happen thusly of operation dangers and transportation chance in that the cost of upkeep and transportation might be misquoted by the supervisor during maintenance, heads, drivers even the mechanics (Abdi, Rasoulishemirani and Amiri 2014). The association experts responsible for the upkeep may hint an inspiration than the real cost working out of course into fundamental threats. At the maintenance point the report may be affected fraud as supervisors and contractors may misquote prices thus inherent risks. Accounts Inclined to Impact by 2015 Reviews Payable Records From the given case study the company deals in a lot of transactions which involve payments. It is evident from the case that the company purchases various goods from various firms in the thus mostly involved with purchases (Abdi, Rasoulishemirani and Amiri 2014). It is also involve in hiring of contracting mechanics that performs operations on assembling of the machines, maintenance and repair thus effect on the wage and salary accounts. In such circumstances where operational gathering is too much wide there is likelihood of deceptions inside the remuneration and wage accounts. Since the business dangers saw all around identify with the payable records, the analyst ought to thusly be sincere that the payable records at the cash related articulation levels are undoubtedly going to be powerless to twofold dealings and curve (Abdi, Rasoulishemirani and Amiri 2014). This is clear in that most by a wide edge of the payable records require likenesses with a more raised measure of estimat ions as an unlimited piece of the operations identifying with support are continuers. At the level of exchange class affirmation and what's ceaselessly the record level, the dangers might be found in the payable records including: buys record and wage and compensation accounts. The purchases record is most likely going to be impacted in the midst of the 2015 audit since a vast bit of the association operations incorporate purchasing offer of things (Qin 2014). Occasionally that might be deception generally informs regarding distortions which are most likely going to be recognized in the midst of the survey. Pay and wage account prone to be impacted since the association given in the relevant examination works with a few scope of workers including contracted mechanics are constantly in charge of all operations of the organization. In most cases, fraud majorly occurs on the accounts which are occasionally involved in the transaction like wage and salary accounts as well as purchases accounts therefore resulting into these accounts being affected during the 2015 audits. References Abdi, M., Rasoulishemirani, R. and Amiri, M., 2014. The Study on Risk-based VAT Audit. Iranian National Tax Administration (INTA), 22(23), pp.0-0. Arthur, N., Endrawes, M. and Ho, S., 2017. Impact of Partner Change on Audit Quality: An Analysis of Partner and Firm Specialisation Effects. Australian Accounting Review. Ashbaugh, H., LaFond, R. and Mayhew, B.W., 2013. Do nonaudit services compromise auditor independence? Further evidence. The Accounting Review, 78(3), pp.611-639. Batkovsky, A.M., Batkovsky, M.A. and Klochkov, V.V., 2016. Implementation Risks in Investment Projects on Boosting High-Tech Business Production Capacity: Analysis and Management. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences. Romania: European Research Centre of Managerial Studies in Business Administration, 11(6), p.44. Beeler, J.D. and Hunton, J.E., 2012. Contingent economic rents: Insidious threats to audit independence. In Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research (pp. 21-50). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Blay, A.D., 2015. Independence threats, litigation risk, and the auditor's decision process. Christopher, J., Sarens, G. and Leung, P., 2009. A critical analysis of the independence of the internal audit function: evidence from Australia. Accounting, Auditing Accountability Journal, 22(2), pp.200-220. Craswell, A., Stokes, D.J. and Laughton, J., 2012. Auditor independence and fee dependence. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 33(2), pp.253-275. Dyllick, T. and Muff, K., 2016. Clarifying the meaning of sustainable business: Introducing a typology from business-as-usual to true business sustainability. Organization Environment, 29(2), pp.156-174. Goodwin, J. and Yeo, T.Y., 2011. Two factors affecting internal audit independence and objectivity: Evidence from Singapore. International Journal of Auditing, 5(2), pp.107-125. Parkinson, H.J. and Bamford, G., 2016, April. The potential for using big data analytics to predict safety risks by analyzing rail accidents. In 3rd International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy (pp. 5-8). Qin, B.Z., 2014. Study on the Financial Audit Risk Prevention Based on Data Mining Technology. In Applied Mechanics and Materials (Vol. 608, pp. 351-354). Trans Tech Publications. Sadgrove, K., 2016. The complete guide to business risk management. Routledge. Sharma, D.S. and Sidhu, J., 2011. Professionalism vs Commercialism: The Association Between Non?Audit Services (NAS) and Audit Independence. Journal of Business Finance Accounting, 28(5?6), pp.563-594. Stewart, J. and Subramaniam, N., 2010. Internal audit independence and objectivity: emerging research opportunities. Managerial auditing journal, 25(4), pp.328-360. Ye, P., Carson, E. and Simnett, R., 2011. Threats to auditor independence: The impact of relationship and economic bonds. Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory, 30(1), pp.121-148.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Analysis of Yasmina Rezas Play God of Carnage
Analysis of Yasmina Reza's Play 'God of Carnage' Conflict and human nature when presented with it, are the predominant themes of Yasmina Rezas play God of Carnage. Well-written and a display of fascinating character development, this play gives the audience an opportunity to witness the verbal battles of two families and their complex personalities. An Introduction to God of Carnage God of Carnage is written by Yasmina Reza, an award-winning playwright. Rezas other notable plays include Art and Life x 3. Author Christopher Hampton translated her play from French into English. In 2011, it was made into a film titled Carnage, directed by Roman Polanski. The plot of God of Carnage begins with an 11-year-old boy (Ferdinand) who strikes another boy (Bruno) with a stick, thereby knocking out two front teeth. The parents of each boy meet. What begins as a civil discussion ultimately devolves into a yelling match. Overall, the story is well-written and it is an interesting play that many people will enjoy. Some of the highlights for this reviewer include: Realistic dialogueBelievable charactersInsightful satireSubtle / vague ending Theater of Bickering Most people arent fans of ugly, angry, pointless arguments - at least not in real life. But, not surprisingly, these types of arguments are a theater staple, and with good reason. Obviously, the stationary nature of the stage means that most playwrights will generate a physically sedentary conflict that can be sustained in a single setting. Pointless bickering is perfect for such an occasion. Also, a tense argument reveals multiple layers of a character: emotional buttons are pressed and boundaries are assaulted. For an audience member, there is a dark voyeuristic pleasure in watching the verbal battle which unfolds during Yasmina Rezas God of Carnage. We get to watch the characters unravel their dark sides, despite their diplomatic intentions. We get to behold adults who act like rude, petulant children. However, if we watch closely, we might see a bit of ourselves. The Setting The entire play takes place at the home of the Houllie family. Originally set in modern Paris, subsequent productions of God of Carnage set the play in other urban locations such as London and New York. The Characters Although we spend a short time with these four characters (the play runs about 90 minutes with no breaks or scene changes), playwright Yasmina Reza creates each with a sprinkling of commendable traits and questionable moral codes. Veronique Houllie (Veronica in American productions)Michel Houllie (Michael in American productions)Annette ReilleAlain Reille (Alan in American productions) Veronique Houllie At first, she seems like the most benevolent of the bunch. Instead of resorting to litigation regarding her son Brunos injury, she believes that they can all come to an agreement about how Ferdinand should make amends for his attack. Of the four principles, Veronique exhibits the strongest desire for harmony. She is even writing a book about the atrocities of Darfur. Her flaws lie in her overly judgmental nature. She wants to instill a sense of shame in Ferdinands parents (Alain and Annette Reille) hoping they will, in turn, instill a deep sense of regret in their son. About forty minutes into their encounter, Veronique decides that Alain and Annette are terrible parents and miserable people in general, yet throughout the play, she still attempts to maintain her crumbling facade of civility. Michel Houllie At first, Michel seems eager to create peace between the two boys and perhaps even bond with the Reilles. He offers them food and drink. He is quick to agree with the Reilles, even making light of the violence, commenting on how he was a leader of his own gang during his childhood (as was Alain). As the conversation progresses, Michel reveals his uncouth nature. He makes racial slurs about the Sudanese people whom his wife is writing about. He denounces child-raising as a wasteful, grueling experience. His most controversial action (which takes place before the play) has to do with his daughters pet hamster. Because of his fear of rodents, Michel released the hamster in the streets of Paris, even though the poor creature was terrified and clearly wanted to be kept at home. The rest of the adults are disturbed by his actions, and the play concludes with a phone call from his young daughter, crying over the loss of her pet. Annette Reille Ferdinands mother is constantly on the brink of a panic attack. In fact, she vomits twice during the course of the play (which must have been unpleasant for the actors each night). Like Veronique, she wants resolution and believes at first that communication can ameliorate the situation between the two boys. Unfortunately, the pressures of motherhood and household have eroded her self-confidence. Annette feels abandoned by her husband who is eternally preoccupied with work. Alain is glued to his cell phone throughout the play until Annette finally loses control and drops the phone into a vase of tulips. Annette is the most physically destructive of the four characters. In additional to ruining her husbands new phone, she intentionally smashes the vase at the end of the play. (And her vomit incident spoils some of Veroniques books and magazines, but that was accidental.) Also, unlike her husband, she defends her childs violent actions by pointing out that Ferdinand was verbally provoked and out-numbered by the gang of boys. Alain Reille Alain might be the most stereotypical character of the group in that he is modeled after other slimy lawyers from countless other stories. He is the most openly rude because he frequently interrupts their meeting by talking on his cell phone. His law firm represents a pharmaceutical company that is about to be sued because one of their new products causes dizziness and other negative symptoms. He claims that his son is a savage and doesnt see any point in trying to change him. He seems the most sexist of the two men, often implying that women have a host of limitations. On the other hand, Alain is in some ways the most honest of the characters. When Veronique and Annette claim that people must show compassion toward their fellow man, Alain becomes philosophical, wondering if anyone can truly care for others, implying that individuals will always act out of self-interest. Men vs. Women While much of the plays conflict is between the Houllies and the Reilles, a battle of the sexes is also interwoven throughout the storyline. Sometimes a female character makes a disparaging claim about her husband and the second female will chime in with her own critical anecdote. Likewise, the husbands will make snide comments about their family life, creating a bond (albeit a fragile one) between the males. Ultimately, each of the characters turns on the other so that by the plays end everyone seems emotionally isolated.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
E.B. White on Writing
E.B. White on Writing Meet essayist E.B. White- and consider the advice he has to offer on writing and the writing process. Andy, as he was known to friends and family, spent the last 50 years of his life in an old white farmhouse overlooking the sea in North Brooklin, Maine. Thats where he wrote most of his best-known essays, three childrens books, and a best-selling style guide. Introduction to E.B. White A generation has grown up since E.B. White died in that farmhouse in 1985, and yet his sly, self-deprecating voice speaks more forcefully than ever. In recent years, Stuart Little has been turned into a franchise by Sony Pictures, and in 2006 a second film adaptation of Charlottes Web was released. More significantly, Whites novel about some pig and a spider who was a true friend and a good writer has sold more than 50 million copies over the past half-century. Yet unlike the authors of most childrens books, E.B. White is not a writer to be discarded once we slip out of childhood. The best of his casually eloquent essays- which first appeared in Harpers, The New Yorker, and The Atlantic in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s- have been reprinted in Essays of E.B. White (Harper Perennial, 1999). In Death of a Pig, for instance, we can enjoy the adult version of the tale that was eventually shaped into Charlottes Web. In Once More to the Lake, White transformed the hoariest of essay topics- How I Spent My Summer Vacation- into a startling meditation on mortality. For readers with ambitions to improve their own writing, White provided The Elements of Style (Penguin, 2005)- a lively revision of the modest guide first composed in 1918 by Cornell University professor William Strunk, Jr. It appears in our short list of essential Reference Works for Writers. White was awarded the Gold Medal for Essays and Criticism of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, the Laura Ingalls Wilder Award, the National Medal for Literature, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. In 1973 he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters. E.B. Whites Advice to a Young Writer What do you do when youre 17 years old, baffled by life, and certain only of your dream to become a professional writer? If you had been Miss R 35 years ago, you would have composed a letter to your favorite author, seeking his advice. And 35 years ago, you would have received this reply from E. B. White: Dear Miss R:At seventeen, the future is apt to seem formidable, even depressing. You should see the pages of my journal circa 1916.You asked me about writing- how I did it. There is no trick to it. If you like to write and want to write, you write, no matter where you are or what else you are doing or whether anyone pays any heed. I must have written half a million words (mostly in my journal) before I had anything published, save for a couple of short items in St. Nicholas. If you want to write about feelings, about the end of summer, about growing, write about it. A great deal of writing is not plotted- most of my essays have no plot structure, they are a ramble in the woods, or a ramble in the basement of my mind. You ask, Who cares? Everybody cares. You say, Its been written before. Everything has been written before. I went to college but not direct from high school; there was an interval of six or eight months. Sometimes it works out well to take a short vacation from the academic world- I have a grandson who took a year off and got a job in Aspen, Colorado. After a year of skiing and working, he is now settled into Colby College as a freshman. But I cant advise you, or wont advise you, on any such decision. If you have a counselor at school, Id seek the counselors advice. In college (Cornell), I got on the daily newspaper and ended up as editor of it. It enabled me to do a lot of writing and gave me a good journalistic experience. You are right that a persons real duty in life is to save his dream, but dont worry about it and dont let them scare you. Henry Thoreau, who wrote Walden, said, I learned this at least by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. The sentence, after more than a hundred years, is still alive. So, advance confidently. And when you write something, send it (neatly typed) to a magazine or a publishing house. Not all magazines read unsolicited contributions, but some do. The New Yorker is always looking for new talent. Write a short piece for them, send it to The Editor. Thats what I did forty-some years ago. Good luck.Sincerely,E. B. White Whether youre a young writer like Miss R or an older one, Whites counsel still holds. Advance confidently, and good luck. E.B. White on a Writers Responsibility In an interview for The Paris Review in 1969, White was asked to express his views about the writers commitment to politics, international affairs. His response: A writer should concern himself with whatever absorbs his fancy, stirs his heart, and unlimbers his typewriter. I feel no obligation to deal with politics. I do feel a responsibility to society because of going into print: a writer has the duty to be good, not lousy; true, not false; lively, not dull; accurate, not full of error. He should tend to lift people up, not lower them down. Writers do not merely reflect and interpret life, they inform and shape life. E.B. White on Writing for the Average Reader In an essay titled Calculating Machine, White wrote disparagingly about the Reading-Ease Calculator, a device that presumed to measure the readability of an individuals writing style. There is, of course, no such thing as reading ease of written matter. There is the ease with which matter can be read, but that is a condition of the reader, not of the matter. There is no average reader, and to reach down toward this mythical character is to deny that each of us is on the way up, is ascending. It is my belief that no writer can improve his work until he discards the dulcet notion that the reader is feebleminded, for writing is an act of faith, not of grammar. Ascent is at the heart of the matter. A country whose writers are following the calculating machine downstairs is not ascending- if you will pardon the expression- and a writer who questions the capacity of the person at the other end of the line is not a writer at all, merely a schemer. The movies long ago decided that a wider communication could be achieved by a deliberate descent to a lower level, and they walked proudly down until they reached the cellar. Now they are groping for the light switch, hoping to find the way out. E.B. White on Writing With Style In the final chapter of The Elements of Style (Allyn Bacon, 1999), White presented 21 suggestions and cautionary hints to help writers develop an effective style. He prefaced those hints with this warning: Young writers often suppose that style is a garnish for the meat of prose, a sauce by which a dull dish is made palatable. Style has no such separate entity; is nondetachable, unfilterable. The beginner should approach style warily, realizing that it is himself he is approaching, no other; and he should begin by turning resolutely away from all devices that are popularly believed to indicate style- all mannerisms, tricks, adornments. The approach to style is by way of plainness, simplicity, orderliness, sincerity. Writing is, for most, laborious and slow. The mind travels faster than the pen; consequently, writing becomes a question of learning to make occasional wing shots, bringing down the bird of thought as it flashes by. A writer is a gunner, sometimes waiting in his blind for something to come in, sometimes roaming the countryside hoping to scare something up. Like other gunners, he must cultivate patience; he may have to work many covers to bring down one partridge. Youll notice that while advocating a plain and simple style, White conveyed his thoughts through artful metaphors. E.B. White on Grammar Despite the prescriptive tone of The Elements of Style, Whites own applications of grammar and syntax were primarily intuitive, as he once explained in The New Yorker: Usage seems to us peculiarly a matter of ear. Everyone has his own prejudices, his own set of rules, his own list of horribles. The English language is always sticking a foot out to trip a man. Every week we get thrown, writing merrily along. English usage is sometimes more than mere taste, judgment, and education- sometimes its sheer luck, like getting across a street. E.B. White on Not Writing In a book review titled Writers at Work, White described his own writing habits- or rather, his habit of putting off writing. The thought of writing hangs over our mind like an ugly cloud, making us apprehensive and depressed, as before a summer storm, so that we begin the day by subsiding after breakfast, or by going away, often to seedy and inconclusive destinations: the nearest zoo, or a branch post office to buy a few stamped envelopes. Our professional life has been a long shameless exercise in avoidance. Our home is designed for the maximum of interruption, our office is the place where we never are. Yet the record is there. Not even lying down and closing the blinds stops us from writing; not even our family, and our preoccupation with same, stops us.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Fashion Marketing Management - Hugo Boss Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Fashion Marketing Management - Hugo Boss - Essay Example The essay "Fashion Marketing Management - Hugo Boss" discovers the marketing and management in Hugo Boss. The brand of the company includes BOSS which is the core brand of the company and HUGO that is the trendy brand associated with BOSS. Consumer groups from different cultures and backgrounds are targeted by the company, where the customers are offered wide-ranging products including classic-modern business wear, elegant evening and relaxed casual fashion, shoes and leather accessories, licensed fragrances, eyewear, watches, children’s fashion and motorcycle helmets. The recognition of the company as one of the leading fashion houses in the world has been supported by the company’s exhaustive marketing activities and participation in funding of sport and other cultural events. The company has its focus not only on traditional practices of advertising and promotion, but it also experiments new marketing activities that are targeted towards its customer groups. The prod ucts of the company are made available in around 124 countries across the world. There are more than 6,100 selling points for the products of the company from where customers can avail them. The stores are maintained both by the group itself as well as by franchise partners. The success of the company can be reflected from the sales and performance of the company in the year 2012 that present positive results for the company supported by increasing sales figures. The increase in sales has been reported in all the regions.
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Hand Foot and Mouth Disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Hand Foot and Mouth Disease - Essay Example HFMD is very often confused with foot and mouth disease but foot and mouth disease is predominant in cattle and sheep. This disease is also found in swine and it is also known as hoof and mouth disease. It is very important not to confuse between these two diseases. There are various symptoms with which the HFMD starts. The most common symptom is fever and loss of appetite. Sore throat is another symptom of this disease but fever is the most common of all the symptoms. This disease is basically caused because of the entero virus genus. This is a communicable disease and spreads when an infected person comes in contact with a healthy person. The virus spreads through contact like handshake etc. HFMD is mutually exclusive to human beings and the disease does not spread either from or to animals. To the dismay of many people who are affected with this disease, it is found that there is no specific treatment for this disease. The following part of the paper will discuss the preventive me asures and the possible treatment of this disease. When a person gets fever and is feared to have this disease, it is best to reduce the fever first and this can be done by taking antibiotics. The affected people often experience pain in this disease but this can also be dealt with by taking appropriate medicines like ibuprofen, or other over-the-counter pain relievers.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Atlas Honda Motorcycle company †BRM report Essay Example for Free
Atlas Honda Motorcycle company – BRM report Essay Atlas Auto Limited manufactures and markets Honda Motorcycle under a technical assistance agreement with Honda Motorcycle Company LTD. of Japan. An epoch-making event in the history of the company cementing of Atlas Honda relation with Honda Motorcycle Company LTD. Of Japan becoming as equity-holder in Atlas in 1988. Due to the suitability wide range and high quality of the product, Honda motorcycles are by for the best selling motorcycle in the country. Turnover has risen from Rs. 2. 5 million in 1965 to Rs. 830 million in1987. Pakistan’s motorcycle market size is still relatively quite small Nevertheless. Atlas has undertaken to develop local manufacturing capabilities to the highest-level economically feasible while a major role in localization has been assigned to vendor industries. Atlas has invested Rs. 197 million in fixed assets between 1983 and1987 to develop the country largest in house manufacturing capacity in the industry. By end of 1988 local component will go upto 70% of Atlas product. Atlas management is strivings to modernize company operation by adapting applicable aspects of research and theory and more especially Honda’s philosophy and practices to the realities of Pakistani Conditions Company management structure and processes are being transferred to meet challenges of growth and change. Effort are being made to develop genuine participation of all levels of personnel in decision making; substantial and effective delegation has been established at all level various participation programmes, such as â€Å"Alaymayar†quality circles movement launched in 1985 are supported to encourage constructive self expression and team work. The company training and development programmes encourage each member to develop himself to his full potential. To support the production facilities the company has established a RD wing and tool making facilities which are set to grow rapidly in size and function. Atlas is playing a pioneering role in creating conditions for easy and confident use of motorcycle all over the country. A vast network of motorcycle, service and share parts dealers has been established to provide dependable service to every motorcycle user. To back up this system, Atlas has set up a permanent motorcycle technical training center in Lahore which provide several courses of varying duration and complexity for motorcycle mechanics user each year. Mobile training facilities take the latest know how on technology and maintenance of motorcycles to major rural centers around the country. ORGANIZATION HISTORY The established year of Atlas Autos Limited in 1963. In 1964 Atlas entered into technical assistance agreement with Honda Motorcycle Company of Japan for manufacturing and assembly of Honda Motorcycle in Pakistan. It is the only Public Limited Company in the industry of Pakistan. Atlas Autos Limited operate two plants one at Panjdarys Sheikhpura Road Lahore. Both Plants are franchises and have relationship of technical collaboration. MANAGEMENT OF ATLAS AUTOS. In 1964 Atlas autos started business as assembler of Honda Motorcycle, than they came into the business of import Honda spare parts. The organization set up of Atlas is as follows:- A Board of Director consists of 7 members, elect a chairman, chairman has all managerial authority. Chairman is selected out of directors and It is the responsibility of chairman to conduct the business on a satisfactory line and maximize the profit. After the chairman then comes C. E. O (Chief executive officer). Then for assistance of chairman and C. E. O personal manager, accounts manager, production manager and marketing manager are selected. Seven managers are working under C. E. O each manager is responsible for respective function. There are two sales managers one for North Zone and one for south Zone. In the every zone two provinces. In the North Zone come Punjab, NWFP and Azad Kashmir. In south zone Sindh and Baluchistan. In north zone there are three regions. 1- Lahore 2- Multan 3- Rawalpindi The head of every region is regional manager. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The main purpose of my research is:- v To Visualize and identify these factors that contribute to the demand of Honda Motorcycle in Multan city (Punjab, Pakistan). v To recommend suggestion to increase the demand of Honda Motorcycle and getting much marketing share. RESEARCH DESIGN Research design is the arrangement to condition for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine the relevance to research purpose with economy in procedure. Measurement For the measurement of attitude of people, We used open-ended questions as well as fixed alternative questions in our questionnaire. Sampling The basic idea in sampling is that the analysis of some of the element in the population provide useful information’s about entire population. An element is the subject on which the measurement is being taken. It can be called as the unit of study. Population is the total collection of element about which we wish to make increase. For the selection of sample, we used the stratified sampling. We divide the Mutlan city into 4 regions which are given as under: 1. Gulgasht 2. Hussain Agahi 3. Shah Rukan Alam 4. Cantt After dividing the Multan city into different region. The we used random sampling and select 25 respondents from evry region. Our target respondents are the customers and dealers of Honda Motor Cycle. Sample Size Dealers and customers of Honda Motor Cycle are easily available, so it is easy to select a big sample size. For the purpose of our research We selected a sample of 100 customers and 3 dealers of Honda Motor Cycle, because of the time constraint that’s why we selected these customers and dealers. Data Collection Method The report is based on primary data. Information are directly taken form the customers and dealers of Honda Motor Cycle for the particular purpose. For that purpose we developed two questionnaire ( for customers and dealers ). We have conducted personal survey method. The main qualities of this survey method are as fellows: 1. The most important features of this method is that it leads towards high participation. Moreover, in personally interview the interview can carry with additional information’s. 2. The props and visual aids can also enhance the vision of knowledge of interviewer. The interviewer has more control over the personal interview than other interrogation types. 3. The greatest value of this method is the depth and detail of information that can be secured. It for exceeds in volume and quality, the information we can usually secure from telephone and mail survey. 4. The interview can do more things to improve the quality of the information received than with other methods. Respondent motivation is heavily in the hand of the interviewer. Studies of reaction to a number of surveys indicate that respondents can be motivated to participate in personal interviews. Medium of Communication All the users of Honda Motor Cycle are not educated. So we adopt different style. For educated persons we use the same questionnaire. But for uneducated persons we translate the questionnaire for them. Questionnaire For Consumers Q. 1: What is your Occupation? REPONSES % AGE Student 15 15% Govt. Employee 40 40% Business man 20 20% Others 25 25% Total 100 100% Conclusion: In our respondents 15 persons are students, 40 are Govt. Employee, 20 business man and 25 are related to other occupation. From this result we can say the users of Honda Motorcycle are Govt. Employee and Other occupation. Q. 2: What is your Income Group? REPONSES % AGE 5000-10000 30 30% 11000-15000 40 40% 16000-20000 20 20% 21000-25000 8 8% 26000-above 2 2% Total 100 100% Conclusion: The respondents whose income is 5000 to 10000 are 30, 11000 to 15000 are 40, from 16000 to 20000 are 20, from 21000 to 25000 are 8 and finally 26000 and above are only 2. So we can say that the user of Honda Motorcycle is middle family people so it is bike of economical people. Q. 3: What is your preference? RESPONSES % AGE Yamaha 0 0% Honda 100 100% Suzuki 0 0% Total 100 100% Conclusion: We have interviewed just those persons who are driving Honda Motor Cycle so preference for this sample comes to 100%. Q. 4: You yourself purchased it? RESPONSES % AGE Yes 92 No 8 Total 100 Conclusion: Out of a sample of 100 respondent 92 were of the view that they personally purchased the bike and 8 said that is give to them by their company. So it means that 92% people have purchased the bike personally which 8% people got it from their company. Q. 5: When did you purchase Honda Motorcycle? RESPONSES % AGE Before 1984 0 0% 1985-1990 10 10% 1991-1995 20 20% 1996-2000 25 25% After 2000 45 45% Total 100 100% Conclusion: When we asked this question to respondent, out of 100, 10 were those who purchased during 1985-1990, 20 were those who purchased during 1991-1995, 25 were those who purchased during 1996-2000 and finally 45 were those who purchased after 2000 so we can say that the market or demand of latest model is more than others. Q. 6: Why you purchase Honda Motorcycle? Because of RESPONSES % AGE Fuel consumption 58 58% Less Noisy 0 0% Parts Availability 0 0% All of the above 42 42% Total. Conclusion: Out of 100 respondents, 58 persons said that they preferred Honda Motorcycle due to fuel consumption, and 42 persons say that they purchase Honda motorcycle because of all these qualities which mention are present in the motorcycle. So we can say mostly people purchase Honda motorcycle because of Fuel consumption. Q. 7: have you used any other brand of Motorcycle? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 45 45% No 55 55% Total 100 100% Conclusion: When we asked this question, 45 respondents said that they used other brand of motorcycle while 55 persons told us that they never used any other brand of Motorcycle. Q. 8: If yes then what is the reason of change? RESPONSES %AGE Fuel consumption 40 88. 888% Spare part availability 0 0% Any other mention 5 11. 111% Total 45 100% Conclusion: In response to this question 40 respondent said that they have change previous motorcycle with Honda motorcycle because petrol average per liter of previous motorcycle is very low as compared to Honda motorcycle and 5 respondent said that any other mention like there machines are not easily available and etc. Q. 9: What is average coverage of your Motorcycle per liter? RESPONSES %AGE 40-50 15 15% 51-60 60 60% 61-70 25 25% 71-80 0 0%. Total 100 100% Conclusion: In the regard of this question, 15 person said that their bike cover 41-50 km per litter while 60 respondents said 51-60,and 25 respondent said 61-70. So I can say it is a main factor of Honda bike. Q. 10: Do the spare parts easily available? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 100 100% No 0 0% Total 100 100% Conclusion: When I asked this question, response to this question is 100% in favor. The respondents said they have to never face any problem because the spare parts of Honda Motorcycle are easily available. So it is also a main cause that Honda motorcycle has an edge on other Motorcycle. Q. 11: Do you think that fuel consumption affect your purchase decision? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 91 91% No 9 9% Total 100 100% Conclusion: In the response of this question all respondent said that fuel consumption affect their purchasing decision. They said we can save our money. Because expense of this motorcycle is less as compare to other motorcycle. Q. 12: If Yes then how much? RESPONSES %AGE Very much 60 65. 94% High 20 21. 98% Low 0 0% Normal 11 12. 1% Total 91 100% Conclusion: Out of 100 respondent 60 said that fuel consumption affect their decision very much while 20 said that it is high affect on their decision. While 11 said that fuel consumption has normal affect on their decision. Q. 13: Do you think the price of motorcycle affect your buying decision? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 56 56% No 44 44% Total 100 100% Conclusion: In the response of this question, 56 respondent are those said that price affect their purchasing decision while other 44 respondent told that price does not affect their purchasing decision. Q. 14: If yes than up to what extent? RESPONSES %AGE High 32 57. 15% Normal 22 39. 29% Low 2 3. 58% Total 56 100% Conclusion: Out of 56 respondents are those who said that price affect their purchasing decision, 32 persons said price has high affect while 22 respondent said that price has normal affect and finally 2 respondent said that it has low affect on their buying decision. Q. 15: Do the mechanics easily available for the repair of Motorcycle? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 100 100% No 0 0% Total 100 100% Conclusion: When we asked this question the entire respondent said that mechanics are easily available for the repair of Honda Motorcycle. So it is also a main factor that Honda Motorcycle captured the market and spread all over the country. Q. 16: What is the resale value of Honda motorcycle after four years? RESPONSES %AGE More then half price 70 70% Equal to half price 29 29% Less than half price 1 1% Total 100 100% Conclusion: Honda Motorcycle is a cash deposit bike. You can cash it at any time. When we asked about the resale value all respondent said that they preferred Honda Motorcycle because it will be sold more than half price. Some respondent said that they sold Honda motorcycle more than their original price. So it is an important factor of Honda Motorcycle. Q. 17: What is the performance of its shocks? RESPONSES %AGE Very good 25 25% Good 55 55% Normal 20 20% Bad 0 0% Very Bad 0 0%. Total 100 100% Conclusion: In response to this question, 25 respondent said V. Good, 55 said Good and 20 people said the performance of shocks is normal. So we can say that the over all performance of shocks is good. Q. 18: What is the performance of its engine? RESPONSES %AGE Very Good 25 25% Good 70 70% Normal 5 5% Bad 0 0% Very Bad 0 0% Total 100 100% Conclusion: 25 respondents said that performance of engine is V. Good 70 respondent said good while 5 person said normal. So it is a main cause due to which Honda Motorcycle captured the market. Q. 19: How is it’s electric system (cdi) ? RESPONSES %AGE Very Good 14 14% Good 40 40% Normal 45 45% Bad 0 0% Very Bad 0 0% No (cdi system) 1 1% Total 100 100% Conclusion: 14% respondent said V. Good, 40% said good and 45% respondent said Normal electric system and 1 respondent said that he has no cdi system I his motorcycle. So over all we can say that Honda electric system of Honda Motorcycle is good. Q. 20: How is the pick up of Honda Motorcycle? RESPONSES %AGE Very Good 5 5% Good 20 20% Normal 75 75% Bad 0 0% Very Bad 0 0% Total 100 100% Conclusion: 5% people said that pick up of Honda Motorcycle power sV. Good, 20% said good and 75%. respondent said its pickup is normal. From this result we conclude that Honda motorcycle is economical bike for the people. Q. 21: Is it a balanced bike? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 100 100% No 0 0% Total 100 100% Conclusion: From 100 respondent all the respondent said that it is a Balanced Bike. So we can conclude that it is balanced bike. Q. 22: Have you seen any Advertise of Honda Motorcycle on TV or any other media like Newspaper, journal etc? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 80 805 No 20 205 Total 100 100% Conclusion: Out of 100 respondents 80 says that they have seen the advertisement of Honda motorcycle and 20 says that they haven’t seen it. So we can say that most of the people have seen the advertisement of Honda Motorcycle. Q. 23: Whether the advertisement of Honda Motorcycle is Impressive? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 30 37. 5% No 50 62. 5% Total 80 100% Conclusion: In the response of this question 37. 5% respondent said that advertisement of Honda CD 70 is impressive while 62. 5% said that it is negative. So, we can conclude that advertisement is not good of Honda motorcycle. Q. 24: Do you thing the advertisement affect your purchasing decision? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 10 12. 5% No 70 87. 5% Total 80 100% Conclusion: Out of 80 respondent 10 said that advertisement affect their purchasing decision while 70 said advertisement has no affect on their buying decision. Q. 25: Do you think the market value affect your purchasing decision? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 95 95% No 5 5% Total 100 100% Conclusion: 95% respondent said that market value affect their purchasing decision while 5% said in No. Honda motorcycle is such motorcycle which we can sell it at any time. So it is a main cause Honda motor has an edge on other motorcycle. Q. 26: Are you satisfied with company after sales service? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 75 75% No 25 25% Total 100 100%. Conclusion: In the regard of this question 75 respondents said that they are satisfied with after sales service while 25 respondents said that they are not satisfied. Q. 27: Have you any suggestion about motor cycle to the company? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 30 30% No 70 70% Total 100 100% Conclusion: 30 respondents give different suggestion they said that company make it heavy, Improve the equality make it innovative reduces the prices of spare parts etc. while 70 respondents give no suggestion. Q. 28: What is your education? RESPONSES %AGE Metric 10 10% F. A. 30 30% B. A. 40 40% Masters 20 20% Uneducated 0 0% Total 100 100%. Conclusion: In our respondent 10 are Metric, 30 are F. A. 40 B. A. and 20 respondents are in masters. So we can say educated people mostly used it. Questionnaire For Dealers Q. 1: Why you preferred the dealership of Honda Motorcycle? RESPONSES %AGE Incentive to dealers 0 0% Easily dealership available 0 0% Much sale 3 100% Total 3 100% Conclusion: Out of 3 dealers, all of them preferred the dealership of Honda motorcycle because its sale is more than other motorcycle. Q. 2: How is the security requirement for its dealership? RESPONSES %AGE High 1 33. 333% Low 0 0% Normal 2 66. 667% Total 3 100% Conclusion: 1 respondent said that its security requirement is high, while 2 respondent said that security requirement is normal. Q. 3: How much the incentive given to you? RESPONSES %AGE Very much 2 66. 667% Much 0 0% Normal 0 0% Less 1 33. 333% Total 3 100% Conclusion: 2 dealers said that for it’s dealership a very much security is required and while 1 say that less security is required for it’s dealership. Q. 5: Do you advise your family members, friends to purchase it? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 3 100% No 0 0% Total 3 100% Conclusion: When we asked this question from dealers, the response is 100%. They said that which thing they sale they must advertise for it. Q. 6: Why people purchase it? Because of RESPONSES %AGE Fuel consumption 2 66. 667% Spare parts availability 0 0% Four stroke 0 0% All of above 1 33. 333% Total 3 100% Conclusion: In response to this question, 2 dealers said that people purchase it due to fuel consumption, and 1 dealer said that people preferred it because all these qualities are in this motorcycle. It is a four stroke, spare parts easily available and also fuel consumption is less as compare to other motorcycle. Q. 7: Do you check the bike before its sale? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 3 100% No 0 0% Total 3 100% Conclusion: In response to this question all dealers said that they check the bike before its sale. Q. 8: How much are your monthly Sale? RESPONSES %AGE 1-10 0 0% 11-20 0 0% 21-30 3 100% Total 3 100% Conclusion; In reply to this question all the dealers said that their monthly average sale is between 21-30. Q. 9: How much profit you get on the sale of a bike? RESPONSES %AGE 1000-2000 0 0% 2001-3000 3 100% More than 3000 0 0% Total 3 100% Conclusion; All the dealers said that there profit is between 2001-3000 from the sale of each motorbike. Q. 10: What is the behavior of its user about it? RESPONSES %AGE Good 0 0% Very Good 3 100%. Normal 0 0% Total 3 100% Conclusion: All the dealers said that the behavior of customers is very good towards Honda Motorcycle. Q. 11: What step you have taken for its promotion? RESPONSES %AGE Not taking steps for its promotion 0 0% Motivating the people suggestion to the company 3 100% Total 3 100% Conclusion: We are taking too many steps. We are increasing sales promotion effort. We are also increasing the advertisement of Honda Motorcycle. We are also tried to motivate the people to purchase it. We held seminars with the help of company and also use P. R and tell the people its advantage. Conclusion Conclusion. After conducting the research we can say that Honda motorcycle is successful and popular in people because of the following reasons: Spare Parts Availability: The spare parts of Honda motorcycle is easily avilavble in the market. If some fault occurs and due to that fault customers has to replace a particular parts, Which is easily available in the market, so customer has to face no problem. It is a main factor due to which Honda motorcycle is too much popular. Resale Value: The customers are strongly satisfied with the resale value of Honda motorcycle. The user can easily sale it more that half price at which he purchased. Some time the user of Honda Motorcycle sale it greater that price at which they purchased so it is a fact users agree with its resale value. Petrol Average: The petrol average of Honda motorcycle is also very good. In the beginning its average is very good and more than 70 km per litter. After some time its average decrease but not too much. The minimum petrol average of Honda motorcycle is 50 according to our survey. It is a very good petrol average. Service And Maintenance: The mechanics are easily available for the repair of motorcycle and they also trained in their work. So consumers have to Face no problem of service and maintenance. After Sale Service: The company gives free service after sale of motorcycle. Due to this customers are satisfied with its after sales services. Pick up: The pick up power of Honda Motorcycle is good. The pick up power of other motorcycle is very low as compare to Honda Motorcycle. 4Strokes: This quality of Honda Motorcycle make this product different from others motorcycle. It is only 4 stroke motorcycle. Electric System: The electric system of Honda Motorcycle is also to much affective. Design: The management of Honda motorcycle changes the design of motorcycle at the time. Honda Company introduced or replaced 113 models of motorcycle with in 18 months, other companies are not able to introduce new model so quickly. Due to this factor Honda motorcycle is popular. Others: When we asked questions to the customers about the bike, most people said that it is a balanced bike. They showed satisfaction on the meter performance, shocks reliability and speed. One more factor we felt during our survey is that mostly students and Govt. servant like Honda motorcycle and it is more popular in highly educated person the age group 20-25 years and income Rs3000 to 5000.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The three great crimes of macbeth :: essays research papers
The Three Great Crimes of Macbeth      The play ‘Macbeth’ is a portrait of one man, an ambitious, ruthless, disturbing individual.      The play shows how he evolves as a person. Although we are presented with his declination from good to evil, we can see his human side throughout the play, which makes it a tragedy. The themes of ‘Macbeth’ are ambition, effects of evil, and violence. Once Macbeth’s ambition has ‘set the ball rolling’, events happen quickly in the play as it gathers momentum. The themes are demonstrated mainly by the language of the play. As in Shakespeare’s time, plays were performed in daylight with very few props. Ambition is something that everyone can identify with, and ‘Macbeth’ is a interesting study of how ambition can destroy you, so the audience is interested in Macbeth’s character. Our first impression of Macbeth is of a heroic, famous, popular man who is well liked by the King, Duncan. Duncan refers to Macbeth as ‘noble Macbeth’.(Act 1 Scene 2 L67) Macbeth craves the title of king greatly, but real izes that he will have to commit some horrible crimes to get that position. Macbeth is tempted to follow through with the acts because of two sources of external evil - the witches and his wife, Lady Macbeth. Macbeth was already ambitious, but this was only heightened by the women as they made those desires appear as though they were achievable. This sets into motion the first of three great crimes.      In Act one, scene three, Macbeth reveals that he is thinking of killing Duncan. Once the audience knows how the character thinks, they tend to sympathize with him, which is another reason why Macbeth is a tragedy. Shakespeare was such a talented playwrite, that he tended to make the audience sympathize with not only the hero, but also the villain. The aside follows closely Macbeth’s desires and doubts - he does not know whether ‘this supernatural soliciting’ is good or bad, but he dearly wants to be king. He describes the murder that he is imagining to be ‘horrible’(Act 1 Scene 3 L137) and ‘makes my seated heart knock at my ribs’ (Act 1 Scene 3 L135), showing that the whole idea disgusts and horrifies him, as it would any man who was brave and noble, but Macbeth cannot stop thinking about it, showing that he is considering the idea and is drawn to it, and that he has ambitions to be king within him already.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Ponzi Scheme
Introduction A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to its investors from their own money or the money paid by subsequent investors, rather than from profit earned by the individual or organization running the operation. Objectives We learn how it started. We learn the key elements in running a Ponzi scheme. We learn how big a Ponzi schemes can get. We learn how a Ponzi scheme falls apart. We learn how to identify and avoid being involved in a Ponzi scheme. Methodology- This topic is from a secondary source. The scheme is named after Charles Ponzi, who became notorious for using the echnique in 1920.Ponzi did not invent the scheme (for example, Charles Dickens' 1844 novel Martin Chuzzlewit and 1857 novel Little Dorrit each described such a scheme), but his operation took in so much money that it was the first to become known throughout the United States. Five Key Elements in running a Ponzi Scheme: 1) The Benefit: A promise that the investment will achi eve an above normal rate of return. The rate of return is often specified. The promised rate of return has to be high enough to be worthwhile to the investor but not so high as to be unbelievable.Madoff, that had a great deal of credibility as he had been in the investment business since 1960. Madoff had also been the chairman of the board of directors of NASDAQ, an American stock exchange. The estimated losses from the Ponzi scheme are in between 34 and 50 billion U. S. dollars. Unravelling / Fallout of a Ponzi scheme -When a Ponzi scheme is not stopped by the authorities, it sooner or later falls apart for one of the following reasons
Sunday, January 5, 2020
How to Find Degrees of Freedom in Statistics
Many statistical inference problems require us to find the number of degrees of freedom. The number of degrees of freedom selects a single probability distribution from among infinitely many. This step is an often overlooked but crucial detail in both the calculation of ​confidence intervals and the workings of hypothesis tests. There is not a single general formula for the number of degrees of freedom. However, there are specific formulas used for each type of procedure in inferential statistics. In other words, the setting that we are working in will determine the number of degrees of freedom. What follows is a partial list of some of the most common inference procedures, along with the number of degrees of freedom that are used in each situation. Standard Normal Distribution Procedures involving standard normal distribution are listed for completeness and to clear up some misconceptions. These procedures do not require us to find the number of degrees of freedom. The reason for this is that there is a single standard normal distribution. These types of procedures encompass those involving a population mean when the population standard deviation is already known, and also procedures concerning population proportions. One Sample T Procedures Sometimes statistical practice requires us to use Student’s t-distribution. For these procedures, such as those dealing with a population mean with unknown population standard deviation, the number of degrees of freedom is one less than the sample size. Thus if the sample size is n, then there are n - 1 degrees of freedom. T Procedures With Paired Data Many times it makes sense to treat data as paired. The pairing is carried out typically due to a connection between the first and second value in our pair. Many times we would pair before and after measurements. Our sample of paired data is not independent; however, the difference between each pair is independent. Thus if the sample has a total of n pairs of data points, (for a total of 2n values) then there are n - 1 degrees of freedom. T Procedures for Two Independent Populations For these types of problems, we are still using a t-distribution. This time there is a sample from each of our populations. Although it is preferable to have these two samples be of the same size, this is not necessary for our statistical procedures. Thus we can have two samples of size n1 and n2. There are two ways to determine the number of degrees of freedom. The more accurate method is to use Welch’s formula, a computationally cumbersome formula involving the sample sizes and sample standard deviations. Another approach, referred to as the conservative approximation, can be used to quickly estimate the degrees of freedom. This is simply the smaller of the two numbers n1 - 1 and n2 - 1. Chi-Squarefor Independence One use of the chi-square test is to see if two categorical variables, each with several levels, exhibit independence. The information about these variables is logged in a two-way table with r rows and c columns. The number of degrees of freedom is the product (r - 1)(c - 1). Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Chi-square goodness of fit starts with a single categorical variable with a total of n levels. We test the hypothesis that this variable matches a predetermined model. The number of degrees of freedom is one less than the number of levels. In other words, there are n - 1 degrees of freedom. One FactorANOVA One factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) allows us to make comparisons between several groups, eliminating the need for multiple pairwise hypothesis tests. Since the test requires us to measure both the variation between several groups as well as the variation within each group, we end up with two degrees of freedom. The F-statistic, which is used for one factor ANOVA, is a fraction. The numerator and denominator each have degrees of freedom. Let c be the number of groups and n is the total number of data values. The number of degrees of freedom for the numerator is one less than the number of groups, or c - 1. The number of degrees of freedom for the denominator is the total number of data values, minus the number of groups, or n - c. It is clear to see that we must be very careful to know which inference procedure we are working with. This knowledge will inform us of the correct number of degrees of freedom to use.
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